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FS: miscellaneous iron

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(2) Condor Trans-X filament transformers (Radio Shack). 117 Primary, 12.6VCT@2A secondary. Full-length leads, never used. $5 each + shipping.

(2) Condor Trans-X filament transformers (Radio Shack). 117 Primary, 12.6VCT@2A secondary. Leads have been cut, but almost full length. Probably used. $4 each + shipping.

(1) Used Edcor XSE15-8-5K Single-ended OPT. Edcor sticker affixed on top with specs and hookup info. $10 + shipping.

(1) Stancor P-6134 filament transformer, NOS/NIB. 117V Primary, 6.3VCT@1.2A secondary. $8 + shipping.

(1) Used Hammond 272DX. Cut leads (some spliced) but all have plenty of length to be (re)spliced if necessary. $15 + shipping.

Shipping will be via Priority Mail and will depend on size and number of pieces. Flat-rate boxes will be used if it makes sense economically.
I will take the following:

(2) Condor Trans-X filament transformers (Radio Shack). 117 Primary, 12.6VCT@2A secondary. Full-length leads, never used. $5 each + shipping.

(1) Used Edcor XSE15-8-5K Single-ended OPT. Edcor sticker affixed on top with specs and hookup info. $10 + shipping.

(1) Used Hammond 272DX. Cut leads (some spliced) but all have plenty of length to be (re)spliced if necessary. $15 + shipping.

Let me know your PPal addy. $35 OK?
(2) Condor Trans-X filament transformers (Radio Shack). 117 Primary, 12.6VCT@2A secondary. Full-length leads, never used. $5 each + shipping.

(2) Condor Trans-X filament transformers (Radio Shack). 117 Primary, 12.6VCT@2A secondary. Leads have been cut, but almost full length. Probably used. $4 each + shipping.

(1) Used Edcor XSE15-8-5K Single-ended OPT. Edcor sticker affixed on top with specs and hookup info. SOLD

(1) Stancor P-6134 filament transformer, NOS/NIB. 117V Primary, 6.3VCT@1.2A secondary. $8 + shipping.

(1) Used Hammond 272DX. Cut leads (some spliced) but all have plenty of length to be (re)spliced if necessary. SOLD
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