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FS: Miller & Kreisel 5-1/4" Woofers

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Miller & Kreisel 5-1/4" Woofers made by Peerless in Denmark. I have (2) pair available. These drivers are in like new condition with no known issues, tested but never installed. $30 per pair plus $5 shipping to the lower 48 states.

Pincushion frame with generous ventilation and minimal airflow restriction. Cloth dustcap provides additional voice coil cooling. Each driver is rated at 4 ohms so they are great for 8 ohm MTM configurations. Smooth extended response with low distortion.

Specifications: Power handling: 60 watts RMS/110 watts max;VCdia: 1"; Le: 0.6 mH; Impedance: 4 ohms; Re: 3.26 ohms; Frequency response: 82-6,000 Hz; Fs: 82 Hz; SPL: 90 dB 1W/1m; Vas: 0.34 cu. ft.; Qms: 3.54; Qes: 0.77; Qts: 0.63; Xmax: 3 mm; Dimensions: A: 6" diagonally, 5-1/4" nominal, B: 4-5/8", C: 2-1/2".

PM if interested.



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