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FS: matched pair EH 300B Gold Grid

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FS are a pair of EH 300B Gold Grid tubes. These were purchases new by me from Jim McShane less than two months ago. They are very well matched, nearly a perfect pair and have less than 150 hours on them. These are $184 a matched pair new. Priced to sell at $110. Buyer pays shipping. These will ship via USPS Priority with delivery confirmation. Non credit card verified PayPal and USPS money order accepted. PayPal users please add $4.


FS are a pair of EH 300B Gold Grid tubes. These were purchases new by me from Jim McShane less than two months ago. They are very well matched, nearly a perfect pair and have less than 150 hours on them. These are $184 a matched pair new. Priced to sell at $110. Buyer pays shipping. These will ship via USPS Priority with delivery confirmation. Non credit card verified PayPal and USPS money order accepted. PayPal users please add $4.


Still have them?
Need anything in trade?
I have no problem with paying with cash, just thought I'd ask (I have a huge collection of vintage audio gear, tubes, parts, etc.).
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