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FS: Martin Logan curved panels from SL3 $275

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I have a very nice pair of ML ESL curved panels from their SL3 speaker system. I bought them as replacement panels for some ESS electrostaic speakers I had , but never used them. They are still in the factory box . I do not know how much use they have on them , only that I never used them in 5 yrs.

$275 plus shipping

After doing some digging around my shop , I located the 4 toriod transformers I intented to use with this panels. They are 220vac-5vac , so about 44:1 ratio per trans. In series about 88:1(in theory). This transformers were the big 'find' when I bought them. You may want to look at the planar forum for more info.These are also new.
Anyway , these will be included too. So ,you have a more or less a complete ESL: speaker ; less subwoofer.

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