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FS: Male RCA Jacks (WBT, Eichmann & Clearaudio)

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Eichmann Bullet Plugs (male RCA)
These are the gold pin ones with blue plastic body.
Sell at TWO SETS/packages sealed/new (8 male RCA plugs total) for $100 plus shipping

WBT-0147E four male RCA per package (sealed, new). $100 plus shipping

WBT-0108E four male RCA per package (sealed/new) $190 plus shipping

Clearaudio MPC, four male plugs per package. $100 plus shipping

Cardas SRCA male RCA plug (non-magnetic eutectic Brass with Rhodium over Silver plate). Four of these male RCA plugs. $100 plus shipping.
They are brand new. Planned to do some projects that wound up never coming to fruition. Have you found lower prices than mine because i searched and searched to beat pricing online. Please let me know if you found a better deal and the URL. Thanks. Am sure you are not complaining about saving money here versus online dealers.
Ok, NEW pricing below as, sure, ok, everyone wants a deal. Wish i could change the original post above (moderator... help?)

Eichmann Bullet Plugs (male RCA)
These are the gold pin ones with blue plastic body.
Sell at TWO SETS/packages sealed/new (8 male RCA plugs total) for $75 plus shipping

WBT-0147E four male RCA per package (sealed, new). $75 plus shipping

WBT-0108E four male RCA per package (sealed/new) $150 plus shipping

Clearaudio MPC, four male plugs per package. $75 plus shipping

Cardas SRCA male RCA plug (non-magnetic eutectic Brass with Rhodium over Silver plate). Four of these male RCA plugs. $75 plus shipping.
np, and yeah perhaps i priced 'em a bit high and you were right. Have soooo much good stuff to sell here as am moving and am STUNNED... AMAZED at all the stuff i have here in my basement. Seriously, how in the living H#LL did i ever accumulate so much good stuff?!?!? Sure, i buy this set of tubes, then that set of tubes, then these parts for that project, then perhaps this raw chassis to make a passive pre and then i get wire from ABC_XYZ and then i like these speakers and those speakers and... This is the first time in about FIFTEEN years i have decided to really see what i have and clean house.

How bad is it you ask? How about there are FOUR different types of solder here (and two temp controlled Weller irons). Why four solders? Well, one is for high-temp stuff, another is for sensitive chips, another i got as a gift from a guy in Europe, and another i have no idea where it came from.

And that is just audio stuff.

O...M...G.. you would not believe the 'good stuff' i have collected over the years that is not audio. Good news is that my wine/spirits collection has gained dramatically in value as have mechanical Patek watches and other things.

The good news: it means once this is all said and done i can start all over again with all new and wondrous goodies (read: future items to be called "good stuff"). George Carlin tells it best:

YouTube - George Carlin Talks About "Stuff"

So with a nearly new/empty home in the future i'm gonna haveta buy.... MORE STUFF! 🙂
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