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FS; Lundahl LL2740 with metal housing

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Lundahl LL2740 intended for a 300 B tube amp but I will not use it. Absolutely new and unused, only one connection soldered for 230 Volt use.

View attachment 2740.pdf


Price new with 2 mm metal housing €285,
I want not €240 but €210 plus shipping.

If you have something to trade I am open for a discussion. I am in need of 16 caps 68000 uF for another project. I also am in need of a volume control board and an input board for the Aleph P1.7 pre amp. If you have this, we can negotiate a trade with the transformer, + or -, money. Could also concider a pair of Fostex 206 ESR or En-S.

Preferably within Europe


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New Price more on the wish list!

UP, Price drop to €200 + shipping.
Thats it otherwise I keep it.

If you want to trade here is my extended wish list

16 Caps 68000 uF 25-50V
16 Caps 10uF Film Capacitor 100V Polyester Panasonic or
16 Caps 10uF Wima MKP4
PSU boards for Aleph J
Relay volume control for Aleph 1.7 (like Dantimax)
Relay source selector for Aleph 1.7 (like Dantimax)
Torodial transformer for Aleph J 5-600VA 18+18V
Transistors LSJ 74 matched pairs, minimum one stereo set can take more
Fostex 206 ES-R Pair
Fostex 206 EN-S Pair
Volume attenuator fair to good quality

Ok, I can maybe come up with more but so far I think that this is what I need.
If you want to trade we can PM about what and how much and if needed I might put in some money, otherwise you do.
Still standing

Still here.... for sale or trade.

By the way, want to build some Nagaoka D38-D58 so Fostex Sigma, ES-R, Sol and so on can be traded (108, 168, 203, 206, 208).

Also Disipante 4-5U or equal can be traded.

Or cool Cash😀😀,
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