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FS: JE Labs 2001 2a3 Amp, James Opts etc.

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Huge value here for $495 + shipping

JE Labs 2001 circ. (6sl7 direct coupled to 2nd half of the 6sl7, cap coupled to a 2a3, tube rectified, choke filtered)

Very high quality parts. Square 20 or 30W James transformers (can't remember wich, but they are nice), Jensen copper foil coupling caps, oversized hammond mains and filter choke, very high quality hardware etc.)

Works great and sounds beautiful

All tubes, including Sovtek 2a3s

Only one problem. The top plate was too thin and started to sag during a move.

Back to the good news: the solid cherry base is extremely nice, so all you would need to fully restore this beauty is a new top plate...or use it as is.

This is a great opportunity to get a fully functional, super high quality 2a3 amp for a rebuild

Selling to fund my tube dac dreams.

Cheers and happy holidays

I don't have the slightest clue if the photo attached properly, so email/PM me for a photo if you can't see it


  • JeLabsside.jpg
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how to ship

Just another note, since I have had a couple of questions.

I am happy to ship and have a special box that I created since the top-plate sag problem.

If you are DIY inclined (shouldn't we be?), I can take off the output transformers before shipping and send them off the amp. This would greatly reduce the risk of increased sag.

Rewiring would take 20min--taking off the power transformer would obviously be trickier, and at that point, why not just rebuild it?

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