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FS Hammond 374BX Power Transformer

Received and installed in a single-ended pentode first of April. Painted as close as possible to Edcor Blue in Krylon True Blue. No more than 5 hours on. 125vAC Primary, made 450vDC B+ no problem. Now no longer needed.
Shortest Primary lead is 5 1/2", others uncut. Shortest Secondary lead 5 1/2", others longer.

Primary VAC Universal - 100, 110, 120, 200, 220,230, 240 VAC 50/60 Hz A.C. High Voltage Secondary RMS 750V C.T. @ 201ma. Bias Tap on High Voltage Secondary w/ C.T. Grounded (VAC) 50 Filament #1 (VAC) 5V C.T. @ 3A Filament #2 (VAC) 6.3V C.T. @ 6A Mounting Style Vertical ("X")


New price $151.40, Asking $95.00
Buyer pays shipping from 28704: 10 lbs., 8 1/2" cube original box and packing.
Paypal or USPS Money Order
I have Audiogon and Ebay feedback as Kitch29