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FS: Gilmore Headphone Amp (UK)

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Joined 2004
FS: Dynalo Gilmore Headphone Amp (UK / Worldwide)

This is a headphone amp I built a while back following Kevin Gilmore's headphone amplifier design with super regulated power supply. It's not had much use since it was finished as it's been in storage however I need to clear space, hence the sale.

It comes with lots of spare parts. The volume knob and case have been refinished and anodized in a matte finish, so the digits on the dial could do with being painted back on. The ALPS pot doesn't quite have a long enough stem to reach the grub screw, however the knob does sit on the stem.

Sensible offers please



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Thanks for PM's - I'm going on holiday tomorrow morning so I will have to sort this when I am back. Apologies and thanks for your patience.

Just to clarify, this is a fully working amplifier, with extremely well matched parts, fully working out of the box. I designed the power supply PCB and assembled it - it has been put together very well. It's extremely musical, fun to listen to and has zero audible noise. It just needs the volume knob securing.
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