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FS: Full Range Enclosures (19"w x 10.5"h x 12"d)

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Pair of *very* nicely finished enclosures.

Picture of the enclosure (Driver is not included):

Specifications (where I bought them from):
"http://www.craftyhands.net/Mini Monitor.htm"

This is designed to accept any of the eight inch full range drivers from Lowther, Fostex, PAudio or Audio Nirvana.

These are "ready for drivers": This includes the installation of the damping materials, the terminal binding assembly (Goldwood RGT-3000). Veneer is perfect, original shipping boxes are present. .75" MDF construction.

I sold the drivers and do not have the woodworking tools or knowledge to make use of these cabinets.

$200 + Shipping from 32751.

PM if interested -- thanks!
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