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FS: Elma 2-deck, 24-position switch (BV22568) for AVC/TVC

SOLD: Elma 2-deck, 24-position switch (BV22568) for AVC/TVC

This is an NOS, Swiss-made switch I intended for a passive preamp project, before I took an easier path by going with Dave Slagle's autoformers.

Unlike Elma's 04-2130 switch, the BV series were made for attenuator use and so are shorting switches - in other words, no pops or noise as you turn the volume knob.

Michael Percy used to sell these for $57 (+ shipping) back in 2003, and the 04-2130 for $46; today the BV series is no longer available and he wants $115 for the comparable 04-2133... Which go for roughly 80 Euros across the pond.

Asking $SOLD shipped within US.

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