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FS: DC protect using SSR

I have a couple of new mono speaker DC protect pcb's.
These have dc protect and power up/down detect.
About 350WRMS into 4 ohms or 700WRMS into 8 ohms.
No transformer on board so you can choose your own to suit your local mains.
0-9 0-9VAC 5va separate transformer per pcb.
£12-99 each plus p+p.
p+p is £3-99 to uk and £10-99 rest of world.
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
I have a couple of new mono speaker DC protect pcb's.
These have dc protect and power up/down detect.
About 350WRMS into 4 ohms or 700WRMS into 8 ohms.
No transformer on board so you can choose your own to suit your local mains.
0-9 0-9VAC 5va separate transformer per pcb.
£12-99 each plus p+p.
p+p is £3-99 to uk and £10-99 rest of world.
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

250mS DC detect for quick protection of speakers.
Detects mains failure and turns off solid state relay.
Power up delay of four seconds.
Top quality pcb with top quality components.
Very low RDSon mosfets.