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FS: CSS WR125S 4.5" Mids, Earthquake 32 Band EQ

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FS: CSS WR125S 4.5" Mids, Earthquake 32 Band EQ

hey guys.. i know i have no posts here yet, but i have tons of refs on other forums with the same name, mostly car audio forums.

ok. the CSS mids were purchased in a 3 way in-car design that fell short because of bills. these have to go too. they are brand new never been powered even, sitting here in my dorm room since i purchased them from CSS

asking 90 shipped

also, a 32 band earthquake equalizer - again, was gonna use this but i got an outstanding deal on a pair of EQTs i couldn't pass up. 90 shipped on this as well.

i can work with you if you pm me or email me at:
mulcahrj (at) stu.lemoyne.edu

replace the (at) with @ and take out spaces.

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