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FS - Corning Glass Works Glass Dielectric Capacitors

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Good evening,

I recently ran into a bunch of vintage NOS Dielectric capacitors. Reasonable quantities, here are the different values I have...

Message me if you are interested!




Package pF Tolerance
CY15 510 5%
CY15 430 5%
CY15 270 1%
CY15 270 5%
CY10 22 5%
CY10 180 5%
CY10 10 5%
CY10 11 5%
CY10 160 5%
CY10 130 1%
CY10 62 5%
CY10 91 5%
CY10 200 5%
CY10 220 5%
CY15 390 5%
CY10 75 5%
CY15 330 5%
CY10 240 5%
CY10 20 5%

I also have a ton of other components. Transistors of all types, Allen Bradley Resistors, diodes of all kinds, ICs, much more.

I have a selection of Hammond Transformers, 11 new in boxes, some used vintage. Pics available upon request.
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