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FS: Busted MAudio Delta 1010lt Soundcard 10in/10out

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Too many 'improvements' for this piece. I've tried various experiments on this card, and the last one may have done it in - I removed the timing crystals, and replaced them with something I made. It worked for a long time, but then stopped, even when I refitted the original crystals.

Basically, this was once a nice card, but now, who knows. I was going to toss it, but thought someone here might be interested in playing with it. I'd like $5 plus S/H for it (save 4000%!!!).

More info here: M-AUDIO - Delta 1010LT - 10-In/10-Out PCI Virtual Studio

Contact me at peglegpatrick AATTTTT gmail DDDOT com.


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You know MAudio might just fix it for you if you send it back. Those are good cards. That's what the radio stations use. Look for solder splashes where you soldered it. Also some of those cards have fuses on them. And make sure you got the crystals back in the right places.
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