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FS: Bohlender Graebener RD50 planar drivers in Australia

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I have a pair of the justly famous Bohlender Graebner RD50 drivers for sale. They are in very good condition. One has some sticky stuff on the back which should come off esily and may well have by the time they go.

The RD50s are a 50 inch planar magnetic driver commonly regarded as amongst the best out there. They are used in the Genesis speakers (costing over $50,000).

They can be used as a mid/tweeter by themselves from 200Hz up, or crossed higher with an array of woofers. They are natural dipoles but can be used monopole.

You can pick up in Sydney, or I will ship if necessary. Weight is 11kg each.

I'm asking $700 for both, but am open to offers.

Fuller details are here: http://www.parts-exp...m/pdf/rdpdf.pdf


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