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Fs: Black Magneplanar SMGa's

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Bought new in 1988 I believe it was. Not quite, but not missing pristine condition by much. I've been careful to shield them from the sun, they have no rattling associated with loose wires or any other problems that I'm aware of. Wonderfully sweet, broad, open soundstage. I've been using them in conjunction with my old NAD integrated amp and a Klipsch passive sub that balances with them very nicely. My only complaint is that they don't have quite the punch and volume output I want. I really like these loudspeakers a lot, the only reason I'm thinking of letting them go is to finance my Silver Iris OB build project.
Would like to get $400 but I'm open to reasonable offers.
I live in central NC, face to face delivery preferred, I'll drive a reasonable distance to meet you. If I have to ship, buyer will be responsible for shipping costs. Thanks for looking-
yes I have a customer that was interested..I need to talk to him and quote him a price.

The reason i had been initially interested is that my brother is working in NC and i thought maybe a visit to him could also allow me to pick the speakers.

At this point, a visit is not possible, so any sale would have to involve shipping.

That being the case, can you let me know: do you have the original boxes for these or can you provide proper packaging, should the transaction become a reality.

That's about all i can tell you for now. I will be out of town for the next few days so i will get back to you sometime next week.

Thanks for your patience and co-operation.

Sounds Good To Me Service Co.
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