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FS: Bartola assembled Gyrator for DHT

Up for sale are two complete assembled Gyrator boards from Bartola.
They are ideal for low current DHTs like 26 and 01A but other tubes also can be used but please consult Ale from Bartola valves!


All the parts used are high quality! I will include also 0.1uF obbligato 630V film caps! I used matched 2sk170BL transistors also!

Price: 35 USD / assembled board

For actual pictures of the boards please send me your e-mail.

I am shipping worldwide!
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hi I'm making the dht girator I can't find the BSH111bk fet in my country I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW IF IT WAS POSSIBLE TO REPLACE IT WITH 2 PARALLEL FETS TYPE J310 OR J111 AND ALSO IF YOU COULD REPLACE THE PAIR OF LND150 MOSFETS WITH A LOT OF DN2540 answers