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FS : ATC 12" woofers total of 6

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For sale: total of 6 ATC 12" woofers for sale.

available as a job lot or single, i maybe interested in Part Exchange or a straight swap for something exotic/interesting

IMG_1137 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
IMG_1136 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
IMG_1135 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
IMG_1134 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
IMG_1133 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
IMG_1132 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
IMG_1131 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
IMG_1130 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
IMG_1129 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
IMG_1128 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
IMG_1127 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
IMG_1124 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

NEW pictures of fronts

Check the photos and you will see, 6 woofers in 3 different flavours...

I have sent a request to ATC for information on the woofers as some appear to be custom (the single PA75 314 SB & the three SB75 314 SB2). PA means, as you might guess, public address "efficiency over sound quality" while the SB stands for studio bass "sound quality over efficiency". therefore to have a public address studio bass woofer is rather contradictory hence waiting for ATC to let me know exactly what it is for. similarly my first point of contact had no clue what "SB2" might refer to, other than it is some variant on the standard studio bass model.

The two SB75 314 SBSC are rather more straight forward. SB stands for "studio bass", SC means "short coil".

All 6 are working perfectly without distorting, no damage to cones/dustcaps. there are gaskets to the front of each woofer which need replacing or removing (originally they must have been rear mounted on a baffle). each weigh 11kg so would be shipped individually if anyone wanted more than one.

I can ship worldwide and can quote shipping costs upon request, similarly i can arrange to list these on ebay and accept payment by paypal but this will add 15% to an agreed price to cover fees. Please note i am based in the UK

i am fairly confident they could make one hell of a subwoofer 🙄 . please send a PM as well as replying to this thread to catch my attention.

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thanks for the PMs, i have only just got round to replying to you all (email notification of PMs wasnt working for whatever reason).

in the interests of clarity, these woofers have a stated 300w power handling with the black painted mental magnet covers (for improved heat dispersion apparently). this compares to the domestic versions which are 150w and do not have the magnet covers. i am hoping to hear next week from ATC for more information on these woofers

3 x model: SB 75 314 type: SB2
2 x model: SB 75 314 type: SBSC
1 x model: PA 75 314 type: SB

In terms of price, for a quick sale all 6 i would accept 600GBP + shipping. Please add 7% if you want to pay by paypal or 15% if you want an ebay & paypal transaction.

international shipping is possible, packed each woofer will weigh 13kg in a box 30x40x40cm. i use the following websites for a quote (each gives different shipping costs to different countries):
Transglobal Express - Cheap Parcel Delivery with UPS, TNT & DHL International Courier & Worldwide Parcel Delivery Service | International Couriers
Cheap Parcel Delivery & Courier Services UK |Europe | World - Pharos Parcel
Cheap Parcel Delivery From Interparcel
anyone still interested I have a pair here in CA, USA

could you pm me please with the price you sold these for? I have a pair to sell SB75-314 but I don't know what price to sell them for. Thank you for your help in advance.😀


thanks for the PMs, i have only just got round to replying to you all (email notification of PMs wasnt working for whatever reason).

in the interests of clarity, these woofers have a stated 300w power handling with the black painted mental magnet covers (for improved heat dispersion apparently). this compares to the domestic versions which are 150w and do not have the magnet covers. i am hoping to hear next week from ATC for more information on these woofers

3 x model: SB 75 314 type: SB2
2 x model: SB 75 314 type: SBSC
1 x model: PA 75 314 type: SB

In terms of price, for a quick sale all 6 i would accept 600GBP + shipping. Please add 7% if you want to pay by paypal or 15% if you want an ebay & paypal transaction.

international shipping is possible, packed each woofer will weigh 13kg in a box 30x40x40cm. i use the following websites for a quote (each gives different shipping costs to different countries):
Transglobal Express - Cheap Parcel Delivery with UPS, TNT & DHL International Courier & Worldwide Parcel Delivery Service | International Couriers
Cheap Parcel Delivery & Courier Services UK |Europe | World - Pharos Parcel
Cheap Parcel Delivery From Interparcel
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