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FS: Airborne AMT 5002 (Southern California pickup or USPS)

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Product Brand & Model:

Airborne RT 5002 AMT Tweeters
$60 each, $120 for the pair

Condition of all items:

All speakers lightly used. I can provide TS parameters upon request. Wire connection posts have been strengthened with an adhesive.

Shipping Terms: :

Shipping will be $10 insured for a pair of speakers with priority USPS

The AMTs from Airborne had folds that were not perfectly straight. It came like that from the OEM and that's how I sold them. It's not damage, it's not unlikely for folds not to be entirely straight in AMT designs, especially on the cheapest Chinese model.

The Aurum Cantus folds are noticeably straighter and they also stay straighter longer through temperature variations. I'm guessing that's why you pay more for AC vs. Airborne.

It can clearly be seen the folds aren't perfectly straight in the pics, and you can go ahead and have a pair shipped from Canada at several times what i charged for them to verify that they look like that from the get go.

This was more about Airborne looks than anything.
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