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FS, 30W54 Dynaudio. 8 units.

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Three of them are with dome.
Five are with concave shape typical Dynaudio of those times.
I collect they along the last 8-9 years for make an old dream.
Right now I changed my mind deeply and I will make nothing with them.
Four units were refoamed by me.
They are working without problem.
I consider the price of 150 each.
Or reasonable offer are welcome. Tomorrow I will take some pics.

Also, Dynaudio D54 16 units, Classic shape, non AF.

Esotar D330 two units

Dynaudio D76AF four units.

D 260 two units
D28 AF (flat) two units.
The drives are In Menorca. Spain. Paypal welcome.
I thank in a flat price, affordable for get the eight units. there are units that are mint.
I guess so. but could make a mistake, WAF say so continuously.
The others drivers any idea, I have to investigate.
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