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FS: 3 Hafler DH-200 Series Amps

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I just picked up 3 Hafler power amps, 2x DH-200's and one DH-220 from a client that is downsizing there home theater system.

One of the amps has some paint over spray on the top. I will try and get pictures up later.

All 3 amps work. These are factory originals and have not been modified or altered in anyway.

Asking $100ea for the DH-200 and $125 for the DH-220, will discount the one with the paint over spray slightly.

All prices Plus shipping VIA Paypal. US only buyers please. Sorry for anyone not in the US. these are just too big and heavy to ship outside of the US.

Local Pickup/Cash A-OK

Email me at tetech2@doitnow.com
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