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FS 2X Atma-Sphere transformers

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I have decided to part with my My Atma-Sphere power transformers. I think these were from the MA-2's or possibly MA-1's. Each EI core transformer has dual 0-100-120v primary windings and dual secondaries that i got 103v no load with 120 in to the 120V primary windings. I got 123v out with 120v fed to the 100V primarys. these should handle 16-20x 6AS7's each no doubt. so you could build a 140-200watt stereo amp with these.

These have chrome end bells with some signs of pitting. I got these from Ralph some time ago. I think he said these had a degree more core hum then they liked and they were swapped out when new and have been sitting in storage ever since. I was going to build my own Atma-Clones but time Vs money has not permitted me to do so.

These babies are heavy., at least 15-20lbs or more each. so shipping out of the us will probably be expensive.

Looking to get $100 for the pair plus shipping.
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