FR125S playing in temp BR box, MacGyver style!

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MacGyver's two best DIY tools:
-Swiss army knife
-duct tape

That and a cardbord box and a soda bottle, and you can make a temporary bass-reflex box in just about 3 minutes. 🙂

Here's my temporary BR cabinet for breaking in the CCS FR125Ss I got in the mail today:

PS: I'm not sponsored by Sprite 😉


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Nicely done - when I first received my WR's months ago, I ran them in cardboard boxes, sealed with duct tape, and using toilet paper rolls cut to size for ports...

It amazed me how good they sounded in those enclosures, from 200Hz and up - below that, they just flexed the box, and droned along with the music.

I subsequently built out a 2 way with them, in a Baltic Birch and MDF enclosure tuned to 55Hz.

I also later ordered up a set of the FR's, and am looking to box those up properly now, for use in my HT!
Not to jack the thread or anything, but...

robertG said:
Just finished a TL for those drivers, and they are quite something. Could you imagine a pair of these in a tiny TL going lower than a 12 in. sub?
I just heard it....

What TL design did you use? Are they really going lower than a sub, or just tighter bass?

Oh, and mine are currently doing time in "aperiodic" (read unsealed) cardboard boxes until I figure out just what to do with them.


Just a basic straight TL,
tube length 40 inches
Area 48 sq, in.
Vent at the bottom, 2.5 in diam. (still playing with the length - at this time around 4 in.)
Center of driver at 10 inches from top of line.

My tube (square) is folded 90 degree at 30 inches from the ground (like an inverted L, the long side being around 30 in. and the short part around 10 in.). The driver is mounted at the top of the cabinet, right in the L corner. and the area behind the driver (roughly 6 x 8 x 10) is stuffed, while the lower cavity is split in two in the middle, with light stuffing in the tiop part and no stuffing on the bottom.

Bass is overwhelming, and I am still debating if this is real bass or not. The bass character is quite lean in the upper range with no chestiness added to male voices. But when playing electrolounge, drum&bass (and even double bass jazz) the windows rattle and I feel sick in the stomach (OK OK, it's really not THAT bad).

I have no way to measure the exact cut-off, but let's just say my sub just does not have any outpout any lower than the TL, when low passed at the lowest Xover point, 40 hz.

This is quite amazing considering the fact that a 4 in. driver can pretty much do the same (or even better) than a 12 in. dedicated bass driver...
I always get sick in the stomach as well when I see the hard work and loving dedication people put into their speaker projects to make them works of art....

Here's my temporary BR cabinet for breaking in the CCS FR125Ss
I was overcome with nausea when I saw the work you had put into your speakers!!!:bawling: :bawling: :bawling: you make me sick 😡 :whazzat:

This is what I have produced after having them for about 9 days...🙁 :bawling:

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The words that come to my mind when describing them is : addictive...i just want to keep listening to music with them (they have a high pass filter (dunno what freq..) as they are connected to the 5.1 speakersystem on my pc...
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Bas Horneman said:
I always get sick in the stomach as well when I see the hard work and loving dedication people put into their speaker projects to make them works of art....

I was overcome with nausea when I saw the work you had put into your speakers!!!:bawling: :bawling: :bawling: you make me sick 😡 :whazzat:

This is what I have produced after having them for about 9 days...🙁 :bawling:

I guess you'll puke when you see the attached picture, Bas.
10 liter BR now gluing. 😉


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Re: Not to jack the thread or anything, but...

maxro said:

What TL design did you use? Are they really going lower than a sub, or just tighter bass?

Oh, and mine are currently doing time in "aperiodic" (read unsealed) cardboard boxes until I figure out just what to do with them.


There's been some discussion over at ART (Audioroundtable) about the
CSS being a 'drop in' for the MLTL configuration designed by GM
for the FE127e. They are 24" tall with a port extended out the bottom.
I made these with a few pieces of particle board shelving from the
(fill in your favorite big box hardware/lumber supplier.) Port is a
length of PVC. This is a total hot dog project. I may keep it
forever. Even with the FE127e's they sound great.
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