Foster FE108e∑ sunk dustcaps

Hi guys,
My youngest son pressed his little finger on both fostex108ez used in my Cornu speakers, and they are all sunk.
How would you guys fix this? They are quite small and the vacuum cleaner sucking option, which I use regularly on my subwoofers does not seem to be an option here. Material looks fragile, and I don’t want to further mess things up.

Any advice would be strongly appreciated!!
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I am using the FE108SS-HP without the dust cap.
The annoying mid-to-high-range tones from the dust cap are suppressed, and it sounds good.

without dustcap 3.jpg
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Just came across this thread. - Obviously too late now, but a technique that works for dented dustcaps is to get a pin & put a tiny amount of contact cement on the head & touch it on to the cap & let it thoroughly set. Then later you can pull on the pin to withdraw the dent. You can then remove the pin with a drop of mineral turps.

However, as you have now removed the cap, simply get a new slightly larger one, & glue it upside down so it is now concave.
Simple cheap & probably better response than the original.

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