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For Trade or sale 2SK389V,THAT1646 Balanced line drivers

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These only for trade!
I have 4PC 2SK389V ,I would like to trade those for 2SJ109BL or V type.
These are guaranteed orig Toshiba . I have a need for 4PC 2SJ109BL or V to set up my Aleph X with JFet driver.

These item for sale!
Also I have 10PC THAT1646 balanced driver chip. $7/each
These chip exact the replacement of the DRV134 or 135 with much better characteristics . It is leg compatible .These for single ended to Balanced driver preamplifier chip. You can find the schematic for the full preamplifier on the forum , the PC board layout and the part list.These is a break through to convert the SE amplifier to balanced mode .

Today many CD player has balanced output ,but we not really enjoy the advantage with out converting the SE amplifier to a Balanced mode .

The better chip than the DRV134 or 135 is THAT1646 .

You can see the test result here

Not to talk about hard to find the DRV134 or 135 parts . I see on the Ebay for horrible price .

You need two chip for stereo amplifier drive .

Any question welcome .

I use these in excellent result , the amplifier connected in bridged mode , much bass, better dynamic like total different amplifier would be.The price is for one piece but you can buy up to 10PC . I take paypal if you pay for the paypal fee .

I will ship world wide , the buyer pays for the shipping and insurance .



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