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For Sale

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Selling two Welborne Labs Active Crossover Kits:

Act 5, unbalanced 4th-order 3-way crossover kit with level controls. XO frequencies 90 Hz and 480 Hz. This kit is completely assembled. Can also be used as a 2-way XO by removing selected modules. Original cost $1382.50. Asking $450.00

Act6, unbalanced 4th-order 3-way crossover kit without level controls. XO frequencies 90 Hz and 480 Hz. This kit is not assembled--in original packaging, unopened. Original cost $1154.50. Asking $350.00
You can email me at dhowell@optonline.net. (My email has been down for the past few hours, but should be OK now.)

These crossovers use fourth-order Butterworth filters, 24 dB. I don't think you can change the Q. The XOs were designed by Jean-Claude Gaertner and Erno Borbely, using Class A discrete buffers--essentially a discrete version of an op amp. Both of these kits were ordered in 1996. The assembled one (Act 5) is mine. (It took many hours to complete it.) I bought it for use with a ESL I had constructed, but shortly thereafter bought an Eros ESL from Roger Sanders, so the crossover has actually been used only a few days.

The second crossover (ACT6), w/o level controls, is still in its unopened box. It was bought by a friend of mine who had a similar experience.

Both of these come with complete instruction manuals.
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