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For Sale (UK) - 4x Visaton W130S 8ohm...

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Hi all

Getting rid of these drivers. All in good condition, they've had an easy life as they were wired in series (hard to push much current through 16ohm).

I'm in Blackburn, so you can collect if you're nearby. Postage won't be very cheap, though - 2.5Kg for all 4, then add packing comes to around 3Kg. They'll be sent via Royal Mail (there's a Post Office just around the corner).

They'd be good for smaller projects, or as a midrange in larger 3-ways. They featured in an award winning design...

EB1 Specifications

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

Here's a WhatHiFi review... EB Acoustics EB1 Hi-fi speaker review - from the experts at whathifi.com

Here's the link to the Visaton site - Visaton - Lautsprecher und Zubehör, Loudspeakers and Accessories

Anyway, I got them for £20 each, but I'm not going to fix a price - most offers considered...

Thanks for reading

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