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For Sale/Trade: National Semi. LM12CLK (trade for pr. 12AX7s?)

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Hi, I have 2 new-in-package National Semiconductor LM12CLK 80W power op-amps, TO3 package, 4 pins.

These are getting harder to find, and prices are going up accordingly!

More info here:
Jameco.com LM12CLK Link

Also will throw in a pair of nice black TO3 heatsinks, although they will need a few holes drilled since LM12s have a few more pins than the standard TO3.

Would be happy selling both for say $15 USD + actual S&H but would be even happier trading for an identical pair of 12AX7 vaccum tubes of decent quality for a current project.

I'm a reliable buyer/seller with excellent eBay feedback, will sell/ship overseas, accept PayPal or money order. Money orders must clear before shipment.

eBay ID: gwinnettmobile(465)
email: martymcleod [at] yahoo.com

Thanks! :snoopy: 🙂



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