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For Sale For Sale Prof built high end stand mounts using Seas Exotic

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For Sale Prof built high end stand mounts using seas exotic

Bought these a few months ago with the intention of keeping full stop, but I cant help faffing.
Built by a cabinet maker to amazing quality of cabinetry, those angles!
They are made with birch ply and several layers thick.. These are a 2 man lift!
They use the seas exotic drivers, over 2k for the set.
High grade components on the xover using the audionote ANE design (not my work) with mundorf caps, and foil inductors.
The stands I made only a few weeks ago and need finishing. I used our cnc machine at work, so they are perfectly angled and cut etc. Same for the grilles I made.
The velcro dots on the cabinets can easily be unstuck if you want a nice clean facia and no grille.
I would estimate the build cost at around 4 to 4.5k!
Some of the best detail and effortless sound I have head from a loudspeaker. More of a weighty studio monitor I would say, with effortless low end.

Sell for £1, 500.00

Swap for other hifi, anything considered, single ended valve power amp, turntable, MC phono stage.

Collection only of course..
Bring some thick blankets.
Obvs I can help load.. Believe me these are incredibly heavy.

Hi, sorry forgot to include dims.
Height 660mm
Width 440mm taper to 290mm
Depth 500 top and back also tapers
OA height with stands 990mm


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Those speakers look great. People that visit DIY sites just don't tend to buy finished systems, and likely won't buy a group of drivers either. They will happily accumulate $2,000 worth of parts piece by piece but won't buy them as a group for $1,300. I think you will have a better chance of selling your speakers on eBay or USAudioMart. Etsy is crowded with a bunch of used speakers and has a very poor search function. It helps to put the name of a similar popular speaker in the title or description so people searching will find it.
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Would be a pity to split them if that means disposing of those beautiful cabinets. I have a few questions:

  • 1) How old are they and are you the second owner?
  • 2) Presumably they would have been designed using a software model and perhaps there response tested after construction. Can you provide further details ?
  • 3) What is the internal volume?
  • 4) What frequency is the port tuned to ?; it looks to have been lined to reduce the diameter, which presumably is an attempt to adjust the tuning frequency
  • 5) Seas produced a design paper for these drivers paired together. I was wondering why a different crossover circuit was chosen; was there something wrong with the Seas crossover design?
Thanks 🙂
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