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For Sale: Hypex UCD400 OEM Unused

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I bought these for a project that never happened. As such these are absolutely brand new condition and unused. They are the OEM version that means on the back of the entire PCB is a aluminium plate that allows it to be very easily mounted to a heatsink. It also has a neat single connector clip for all connections, and I have some of the plugs.

They are about £120 a pair + import and tax.

I will sell them for £60 a pair.

Please email me at: "ashton at audiosmile dot co dot uk"

I'll also include a heatsink per pair.

They are generally regarded as one of the best digital amps around. They put out 400watts in to 4 ohms and 200 watts in to 8 ohms. Being a digital amp they make very little heat.

Get yourself a case, a big transformer and a few caps and you have yourself a high-end power amp for silly money :)

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
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