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For sale EC desins Power Dac -R Modified and Rapsberry Pi 4B 8GB Transport with some Ian Canada Components

Hi , I sell dac ECdesigns Power dac -R with modified capacitors and power supply with a much higher result than the factory version. Ready to run with which of all the ones I've tried for me is the best possible transport, and I've tried others much more expensive.

Price 1.100€ plus Shipping Only European Union.

ECdesings remote
Rapsberry Pi 4 B 8gb
Ian Canada IAN CANADA PUREPI Ultracapacitor / Batteries Dual Power Supply Module for Raspberry Pi 5V/3.3V
Ian Canada Transport Pi Digi with Crystek 957 clocks
Toslink cable:
Ru Connected
Optilink 5

Its sound is wonderful, completely analog and very detailed, you are for hours nailed to the chasm without being able to get up, but I have a dac with Philips tda1541A double crown, and I could not say which of the two sounds better because the sound is practically identical, it does not make sense for me to have two dacs that sound equally good.


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