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For Sale: Dayton PM220-8 pair

I've been holding on to this pair of midwoofers for a few years now, and realizing that the project I had planned for them probably isn't going to happen, so they are for sale.

I bought these second hand, they've been mounted so have some marks in the screw holes. When I bought them unfortunately one was lightly damaged by the border agent. I've attached a photo, you can see some creasing on the cone. Other driver is in perfect condition.

Asking CAD$150 plus shipping or best offer, will be shipped from Canada. Expect about CAD$50 for shipping to USA, and about half that within Canada.

PM220-8 8" Neo Wideband Midbass Driver Specification Sheet

Dayton Data files:

3rd party testing:
Test Bench: Dayton Audio PM220-8 Wideband Neodymium 8” Woofer | audioXpress


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