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focal, audax, peerless, phl, epolinear Driver

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hi all,

since i started my last (i hope so) project with accuton & raal drivers. i have a lot of driver to sell.

6 Audax HM 170 MNO Driver, four of them have nearly the same cone look, so would be great for a d´appolito system. like new, just testet, bought in april this year! 70 euro/piece


2 Peerless hds 205 black label, vented 40-50 liter/30-35HZ, 80 euro/pair


2 Focal Audiom 7A2 Midrange 120 euro/pair


2 Focal Tc90txd Tweeter 40 euro/pair


2 Audax HM100Z2, great bass/midrange driver for small 2-way systems 50euro/pair

had them together with the Expolinear NDRL Ribbon, great detail, room, like a magnifying glass, when bought together with the ribbon, you`ll get the soldered crossover with standard mundorf parts on top.


2 Expolinear NDRL Ribbon *selected pair. crossover 3,3-3,5 khz
200euro, pair

2 PHL 4530 Bass, 60-65 liter/ 40Hz, 450euro/pair


4 Audax PR240Z2 great bass in 40-45 liter/30-35Hz, with really stiff HDA+ cone, like new, just tested, bought in april this year. 120euro/piece


would be great if somebody could help me out to empty my cupboard. 🙂

thank you]%[/category]]%[/category]

small update:

4 Audax HM 170 MNO Driver, same as Z0

2 Peerless hds 205 black label

2 Focal Audiom 7A2 Midrange 120 euro/pair

2 Focal Tc90txd Tweeter 40 euro/pair ---Sold

2 Audax HM100Z2

2 Expolinear NDRL Ribbon *selected pair. crossover 3,3-3,5 khz
200euro, pair

2 PHL 4530 Bass, 60-65 liter/ 40Hz,

2 Audax PR240Z2



Today I was recived package from CLAAS GERKEN with so - called Focal Tweeters.
In the email you can check what you are sent to me!!!!
Believe me, I really do not need this crap.
I was expecting something else!!!
I request the immediate return of money or replace with other, this time, good products!



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i`m really sorry for this problem, but why do you think that i would send broken driver? if I would handed over the package DIRECTLY into YOUR hands. i`m fine with blaming me. not in that case. obviously the package crashed during mail. look on the outside and you can see it clearly (you`ve sended me four pictures).

which brings me to my next point. you can`t be serious to make a first contact when a problem happened to post in the thread. this is really close to bad mouthing. I´m already fine with the mail AND the PM of you. in which you blamed me. which is not appropriate. sorting out via mail is appropriate i guess?

so, i will give you a day to cool down. i will answer longer tommorow, because you decided to take a first contact via an open thread.

and finally there´a pictures of what a BAD person I am. (photo were shot 3 days before delivery) because this is what you wanted to say, right?



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hi there,

the audax are practicly new. i bought them in april and tested them. and actually they are great driver.
the tweeter are a bit older and they work fine and are in good condition.

shipping would be 15 euros

Exuse me, 😕

But anyway above you can find your pm, prior to my order and payment!

Your packaging:
Four pieces A4 crumpled papers, some thin film PVC balloons and one layer of cartboard box!!!😕
1cm soft foam between TW,😕 you should be foreseen that the screws will be damaged front panels
Do not tell me that this is the appropriate packaging for 2 kgs weight.

I hope that at least Audax HM 170 MNO Drivers were packed correctly!

So Chris, when can I expect from you to resolve this problem??

All Drivers are paid in advance, only on the basis of your written words in a open public forum......!


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well I wondered where seller of Focal has dissapeared since my last mail, I I see that tweeters are gone 🙂 sorry to see that tweeters are damaged, but from my expierence I would call them as new and Jazzy is realy lucky. I ship many parcels and with 4 layers damping double boxes and still sometimes people receive things which I can not recognize as drivers. there is 96% possibility that poor packaked drivers swill crash to pieces and almost 6-8% even if they survive multiple drop tests to floor from 1.5m before go to post ofice. this is reality of post ofice. hope you will work out, in case jazzy want to get rid of theese tweeters I will gladly take them remooving stress.. 🙂 have fun in projects.
so here is your answer.

----1. Could you validate the production year of Audax – Mission drivers ( cca) ? And how long they have been in use??

no, i can`t, because i don´t work at audax, but my invoice from the distributor show the date 29.3.2010.
the driver were burned-in for 24 hours with a 20hz sinus tone, after that i took 1 week to find a nice crossover for the audax vs the raal 140dam and than listened to it for about 3-4 weeks to compare them with a dappolito construction with the same driver setup. that`s all. but "uhhh!" scew prints in the holes. what else do you expect for testing? should i glue the driver to the enclosure?

but you seem to be unhappy with the package again. what`s wrong? what do you expect? it´s a standard packaging for OEM driver. they were just wrapped when i got them, too. when you order larger quantities you will be asked if you want each driver packed (which is more expensiv) or packed for industry. that´s how it is. the only difference was the kind of paper i used. because i don´t hold every original package for each driver.

------2. What to do with 13 years old (broken) Focals ???? You can send me a replacement front panels or send the money back and I will send you those Focals in the appropriate packaging of course???

what makes you think the drivers are 13 years old? i bought the driver when focal left the diy market, because i wanted to get my hands on two of these tweeters before they vanish. that was definitely in THIS century!

what i think is, that you expected brand new driver. but focal showed up just this year in spring (2010) on the diy market again. but then i would have wrote the correct part no. which is "TC90 TD5B". but i didn´t . i guess you feel betrayed because you expected nearly new driver from this year or last year, but you wasn´t aware that focal wasn`t on the diy market for some years. but this is not my problem. i wrote the correct part no. so you should know! and i guess you feel really lucky that the package crashed during post, so you can try to get rid of them on my costs. because they are to old for you.

and let´s be clear, the same shipping plastic air-bags were used for the audax AND the focals. but as you can see, these little air-bags are FLAT! now, they burst! the package looks more like an egg and not rectangular like when it was send. it was a standard shipping parcel. it looks like somebody dropped a really heavy package on the tweeters package. to save any driver with plastic front in this scenario, you would have to use wood cases! so don´t be silly and don`t blame me for bad packaging!

------3. Sorry but, 40 EUROS + shipping costs, for totaly useless tweeters is to much for everyone!

yeah, then buy them new for 88 euros EACH! you got two older for 40 euros!
and you would have paid 15euro shipping anyway for the audax. actually shippng was 15,50 euro PLUS something around 10 euros because the tweeter where send to you from germany. so normaly i could have charged you around 25 euros. i gave this to you as a discount! so ask your trusty post office about a adjustment of damages. because the way you complained wasn´t ok. (maybe you should get rid of your harsh tone, the excessiv use of "!!!!!!" and the big bold letters). people who communicate in such a abrasiv and aggressiv way to me from the beginning....no way. so you can expect nothing from me.

useless driver? yes, just get some metal and drill a new tweeter front and they will look much better then with the plastic front. which was the reason why they were lying on my cupboard.

and let´s be clear, i smelled something like that with you. so i didn`t put the crossover plan and the enclosure plans into the package and wanted to send it after shipping. and i was right. great. yeah, you could have got two great enclosure plans for the audax. and i mean NOT something simulated which most of the time don`t fit. i mean two fine, nice working REAL-LIFE-MEASURED enclosure suggestions which were sorted out by testing! what a pitty.....sorry, mr alan harper.



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Sad story!

Why I raised the question of age?
See below at the attached photos.

"what makes you think the drivers are 13 years old?"
Check in yours first post to this thread (your reference to Focal WEB page - Focal price list for year 1997) Untitled Document

"and i guess you feel really lucky that the package crashed during post, so you can try to get rid of them on my costs."
See attached photo of what is the properly packaging for TW.

"people who communicate in such a abrasiv and aggressiv way to me from the beginning....no way. so you can expect nothing from me."
This is truly an innovative way to avoid liability😉

"useless driver? yes, just get some metal and drill a new tweeter front and they will look much better then with the plastic front."
Looks like you are familiar with replacement front panels.🙄
You can do that, to sort out the problem.😉 Good idea!

"and let´s be clear, i smelled something like that with you"
Only cash in advance dear Chris, nothing else.😱

"yeah, you could have got two great enclosure plans for the audax."
Truth is that I put some questions in advance -I wanted to know with whom I had business. But unfortunately, despite the 50 year superseded I always learn something new about people nature!🙁

"nice working REAL-LIFE-MEASURED enclosure suggestions which were sorted out by testing! what a pitty.....sorry, mr alan harper."
Approximately 35 years of dealing with audio, we ensure that I will surely survive even without your plans.😀

But still we have an unresolved problem Chris, or maybe not?:usd:🙁😱

OK, this is my last post in this thread. I hope we all together learn something positive or most importantly, how to and how not to deal with buyers!

Best regards to all of you who have fun with my poor English!

yeah, i guess you meant the photo of the kapton former, right? haha
it says somethin/98. which only says that "maybe" the kapton former is from that time. but maybe not and think about: maybe audax buys in larger quantities.

and yes i took an old tweeter pdf, but whatever it was the one i found first.

of course, if you are working 35 years with that stuff, you should know simulation still not very precise. but if you want to try out several enclosures yourself. fine.

for me,
end of discussion. sold everything, but the phl and gues what. nobody had problems.

your solution, ask your trusty post office.

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