Fix my Marantz

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Did you clean the laser lens????????????

I own a El-Cheapo DVD-player, that refuses to work from time to time. All I do then is blow some air over the lens and all is fine!
Seems to me (after the second cleaning session in about six months...🙄 ) DVD-players are more susceptible to dust. Might have something to do with the laser wavelength:dodgy:
Imagine the brush of a cleaning cd as a brush you clean the floor with to make your glasses shine. 😀
Use nothing else apart from a bit of distilled water, yes the one you put in your car battery.
Never use alcohol or isop., as most lenses will simply melt.

/Hugo 🙂
Let me tell you a little secret:
I always clean lenses with a bit of saliva before drinking the wine.
One tip of the cotton stick on the tip of my tongue to make it wet, clean the lens gently, turn the cotton stick provided it has two cotton tips and make it shine with the same gentle movements.
If the player works, I raise the glass.

/Hugo 🙂
yeah...the so called dust off air blower might be a bit risky to use...take the one who replied using cotton buds....that is damped to clean the focusing lens...that is the one visible on top of the optical lens......mildly and gently clean it in a rotational manner from center to the edges....and it might work...
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