first project

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Hi all,

I am about to start my first speaker project. I have been reading round a number of web pages manly linked to from hear. Any way I found the following project that looks nice and simple and low cost for a first time.

However I have also seen this wine bottle project on this web site and liked the Idea of cylindrical enclosures.

I have a good bit of wood work experience so what I was going to do was turn cylindrical sealed wooden enclosures for the TangBand W3-871S, with a nice flowing external shape but constant diameter internal cylinder to create the sealed volume for the speaker.

As in the wine bottle project I was going to use two enclosures and drivers per side I.e. 2 on the left and two on the right.
After all that rambling my question is should I use the same internal volume as the first project i.e. 2.86 litres in a cylinder form i.e. a cylinder of r 7cm d 18.5cm roughly?

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