f6 stereo / monoblock


just organize that each channel is having own Donut and rectifiers and filter ( cap bank)

then each channel is having own NTC (or NTC+bridge) ground lifter cell connected to chassis

don't forget that each Donut must have own NTC in primary ( soft start) and own

IEC and switch - easiest to wire them as common to both Donuts

see example https://www.zenmod.in.rs/sissysit-another-one/
as Zen Mod pointed out, easiest way is to use a balanced source and feed + to left channel, - to right channel for each source channel to amp connection. Amp to speaker connection: Amp L+ goes to speaker +; Amp R+ goes to speaker -.

I did it. Was easey-peasey. Double the voltage swing so the power out is quadrupled (100W calculated). 6L6 tested one of mine and got about 80W before the 1kHz sine wave started flattening. Only had 5mV of offset at the speaker posts.


If the link doesn't work correctly, search on "F6 monsterblock"

Nelson Pass discusses the balanced configuration for the F4 here. It is the same for the F6.

They act as nice space heaters for Philly winters. Not sure how this summer is going to go...
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I need to read up on this as I've had to stop on the (2)F6 D/M in (1) 5U for a year. Was going to biamp but this is the way to go if I understand. Solves my gain problem on some speakers most likely.

Until the other bigger amps are done.... I appreciate this avenue to take.