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F5 amp transistor kit

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It was kindly indicated to me that some folks might be in need of a transistor kit for the F5 amp.

So here it is...

All transistors for one F5 channel:

1x IRFP240
1x IRFP9240
1x ZTX450
1x ZTX550
1x 2SK170BL (high power version of 2SK370)
1x 2SJ74BL (high power version of 2SJ108)
+enough Kerafol Keratherm heatpad for the 2 mosfets, the a little hard to get but truly excellent stuff recommended by EUVL (not precut, but rather easy to do yourself)

If two channels are ordered, the big mosfets come matched (matched between channels).

This kit I can offer for 15 Euros.

That should help a bit, the remaining hardware should be easy to obtain almost everywhere 😉

Happy building :flame:
Quick update: appears thermal pads are for most people not really interesting and as my stock is running dry I'll simply take'em out of the kit. Price is 14 Euros then (I got the Kerafol real cheap).

Thanks and have fun, Hannes
Due to the drastic increase in price for the 2SJ74BL (almost doubled its price!) I'm forced to increase the price of the kit, sorry.

It's now back to the original 15 Euros, however, does no longer include Kerafol.

For the 15 Euros you get:

All transistors for one F5 channel:

1x IRFP240
1x IRFP9240
1x ZTX450
1x ZTX550
1x 2SK170BL (high power version of 2SK370)
1x 2SJ74BL (high power version of 2SJ108)

Please note, shipping, paypal (3.4%+0.35 Euro), moneybookers or bank transfer fees are not included.

I hope this price will last now longer.
For better overview:

F5 amp transistor kit

All transistors for one F5 channel:

  • 1x IRFP240
  • 1x IRFP9240
  • 1x ZTX450
  • 1x ZTX550
  • 1x 2SK170BL (high power version of 2SK370)
  • 1x 2SJ74BL (high power version of 2SJ108)

If two channels are ordered, the big mosfets come matched (matched between channels).

This kit I can offer for 15 Euros.

Recent addition: a limited offer of 2x F5-kits with unmatched mosfets for a reduced price of 12 Euros per kit.

Enjoy, Hannes

PS: if you need kits for the Aleph-JX, Burning Amps, F4, mail me and I'll see what I can do.
A word of warning to you happy F5-builders: seems there are now also fakes of 2SJ74BL on the market, so take care and test the parts before using them!


PS: of course the jfets supplied in my kits are tested 😉
Hi John,

I offer all transistors needed for the F5, so - as long as the board can use the original transistors that Nelson specifies in his article - they will fit 😉

I'll send you a pm with the details,

Due to another big leap in price (likely the last as stocks are drying out) of the 2SJ74BL I have to increase the price for a F5-kit to 17 Euros. 🙁

F5 amp transistor kit

All transistors for one F5 channel:
  • 1x IRFP240
  • 1x IRFP9240
  • 1x ZTX450
  • 1x ZTX550
  • 1x 2SK170BL (high power version of 2SK370)
  • 1x 2SJ74BL (high power version of 2SJ108)

If two channels are ordered, the big IRFP mosfets come matched (matched between channels).

This kit I can offer for 17 Euros.

Recent addition: an offer for a F5-kit with unmatched mosfets for a reduced price of 14 Euros per kit.
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