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I need some help here...

I have a CLIO Version Lite measurement system, but I believe I am missing a good deal of the parts...

I have the lovely aluminum enclosure (serial number 43040952)... but I can't find the rest... 😱

Can someone let me know what this is worth - and what I'm missing. I have not used this for quite some time (using Liberty Audio LAUD), but this should have a good home.

Best offer???

Thanks - Happy Holidays,

Wich one is it the 6.5 or the 7?Do you also have the PCI card?I own the ClioWin7 myself

To be candid... I don't really know...

The box says...

PB-4281 PC Board

SC-01 Signal Conditioner

CLIOWIN Software Lite

Serial Number 43040952

I wish I knew more about this, but as a PRAXIS User (mainly)... I don't.

Looking for more help - and would like to sell what I have here.


You don't have the wires to connect the Clio to PC?Take a look here
http://www.audiomatica.com/download/clioman.pdf this is for the Clio7 and this for Clio6 http://www.audiomatica.com/download/cliomanpci.pdfHer you can Find what's missing.
Do you want to sellit if yes then I take an option on that because my brother is looking for a Clio6 or 7

Sadly... I cannot seem to find anything else... 😱

Please let me know what offer you can make. I have one other person that has shown interest from this thread - he PM'd me last night.

Right now YOU are 1st in line...


Happy Holidays,



  • Clio 1.jpg
    Clio 1.jpg
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  • Clio 2.jpg
    Clio 2.jpg
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