Elusive service manual BSR ua15 or ua16 needed

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Hi, I've been asked by an elderly neighbour to refurbish an old Dansette Monarch with a BSR UA16 autochanger. Electronics are sorted, but there are anomolies in how the autochange seems to work, wrong stylus drop position etc. Does anyone have the BSR service manual for this deck that they might be willing to copy or scan for me. All expenses will be re-imbursed. Many thanks for your attention.
Geoff. Tel: 01903 814799 or
email: geoff.rendall%ssaib.org. (replace % with @).

Hi, I've been asked by an elderly neighbour to refurbish an old Dansette Monarch with a BSR UA16 autochanger. Does anyone have the BSR service manual for this deck that they might be willing to copy or scan for me. All expenses will be re-imbursed.

UK Vintage Radio Service has manuals in pdf form for the Dansette Monarch and the UA16.
They're only £2 each. Here are direct links to the download pages:

UA16 Autochanger

Dansette Monarch

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