Edgar Beers' eVe II design

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Hope someone with an experience of building his eVe II final
contact me. Tried to get his response to my enquiries many times but in vain.
I want to have the full drawings, piece by piece, with detailed dimensions enough for building a pair.
Thanks and all the best!

K Park
eVe II final

Overall dimensions are given in his website. But I would like to have the drawings in exact dimensions, especially the internal pieces. Hope you could share with me the detailed drawings with dimensions of all the parts so that I may cut the wood following the dimensions. This is going to be my first DIY project into highend audio. I have been heavily oriented toward vintages so far. Thanks again for your responses, JC and AuroraB.

K Park
Hi K Park

You better start drawing in a drafting (velour) paper a scketch to guide you in the cutting process. MDF thickness varies in diferent markets so there are 18, 19 and 20mm. Only with the MDF available in your area you can cut accurately.

Start whith the matrix reinforcement and next cut and glue sides, front-back and top-botton step by step, trimming as necessary.

Estimate matrix holes diameters allowing at least 20mm of MDF around each one. That´s enough, diameter dimension is not releaving.

My friend and others I found in the web built the bass box in a simple square 90 degree shape all around. Once you keep driver position, front baffle width and internal volume you won´t find any negative impact in the low end.

http://www.passdiy.com/images/aleph gallery/a5-p2-f5.jpg

Hope this helps

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