eBay Class A China amps

Without doubt the Pass Amp Camp amp.

Very highly respected amp with great reviews.
Kit available from the store fully documented, with high quality, genuine components. (Unlike some Chinese kits!)

Amp Camp Amp – diyAudio Store

Full build and troubleshooting guides on this forum (Pass section)

Active forum with plenty of knowledgable people willing to answer questions and guide you.

You might buy something cheaper, but will you end up with a "cheap" amp sound?
fully build?

DIYing is our enjoying way. 🙂
Why not trying produce some smell and smoke with solder iron and build a
little project?
6L6 has any build instructions guide for Nelson Pass Amps.
My last try was a Juma's F5 Haed Amp schematic with BJT input scaled to
"Mighty F5 Amp", as he suggested in thread.
Juma's Head Amp
Followed by prasi i have redrawed my own board and so on.