I have a custom subwoofer where I removed the pair of 12" subwoofer drivers and replaced them with a single subwoofer driver. The pair was updated by Millersounds (cones/surrounds). The pair are Dynaudio 30W5412 2A and are in excellent condition. I would like to sell them but have no idea of a fair price, could anybody give me an assist?
At 7mm Xmax, the 30W5412 2A are definitely on the low excursion end of the subwoofer spectrum now.
Price per displacement has dropped considerably since when those were new.
Reconed speakers seldom have the same TS specs as the original, making it difficult to sell as replacements, regardless of condition.
The GRS 12SW-4HE 12” has 12.5mm Xmax at 70% Bl, and only costs $50 new, free shipping on orders of over $99 from Parts Express.
Realistically, asking ~ $50-75 for the pair of your drivers may be in the ballpark, though shipping would likely cost too much to make anything other than local pickup viable.
Price per displacement has dropped considerably since when those were new.
Reconed speakers seldom have the same TS specs as the original, making it difficult to sell as replacements, regardless of condition.
The GRS 12SW-4HE 12” has 12.5mm Xmax at 70% Bl, and only costs $50 new, free shipping on orders of over $99 from Parts Express.
Realistically, asking ~ $50-75 for the pair of your drivers may be in the ballpark, though shipping would likely cost too much to make anything other than local pickup viable.
You are not competing with other woofers for Xmax or anything else. These are very rare vintage drivers in good condition. People will buy them because of their nostalgia or replacement value, and are worth up to a couple hundred dollars apiece.
Thinking about I looked up some old receipts for my equipment and they were merely refoamed. Don't speakers that get used professionally from recording to performing get their insides replaced regularly? I'm not arguing with you as to their worth because I did ask for an opinion. But does a new GRS sub have the same cache and quality as a used Dynaudio sub?
The Xmax is why I replaced them with a single 12" sub with a greater Xmax. The 2 subs were in a transmission line 6' enclosure with an active Xover as part of the system. BTW, my listening choices included classical orchestral and pipe organ in a large mancave at volumes that were not subdued. However when those 2 subs were used together in the enclosure the bass was not shy. I do agree with you about shipping.
Thank you for your opinion too.
You are looking at a private 4 box system. The 2 Quicksilver V4's are for the satellites and the 2 Sonogy amps are for the red subwoofer and for the 2 rear bass boxes. The system was called the Sforzando-JL1's. The rear boxes weigh 175 lbs and are braced with 1 1/2" of MDF on all 6 sides.
Thinking about I looked up some old receipts for my equipment and they were merely refoamed. Don't speakers that get used professionally from recording to performing get their insides replaced regularly? I'm not arguing with you as to their worth because I did ask for an opinion. But does a new GRS sub have the same cache and quality as a used Dynaudio sub?
The Xmax is why I replaced them with a single 12" sub with a greater Xmax. The 2 subs were in a transmission line 6' enclosure with an active Xover as part of the system. BTW, my listening choices included classical orchestral and pipe organ in a large mancave at volumes that were not subdued. However when those 2 subs were used together in the enclosure the bass was not shy. I do agree with you about shipping.
Thank you for your opinion too.
You are looking at a private 4 box system. The 2 Quicksilver V4's are for the satellites and the 2 Sonogy amps are for the red subwoofer and for the 2 rear bass boxes. The system was called the Sforzando-JL1's. The rear boxes weigh 175 lbs and are braced with 1 1/2" of MDF on all 6 sides.
Some do, usually due to abuse.Don't speakers that get used professionally from recording to performing get their insides replaced regularly?
I've used woofers professionally in hard use for over 10 years without reconing, and have owned "classics" with original cones over 50 years old still in good shape.
Newer composition have made the regular "foam rot" replacement problem common to the vintage Dynaudio and others more a thing of the past, my 31 year old foam surround Tannoy PBM6.5 are still hanging in there.
"Quality" has measurable aspects, many of which may be "higher" in the new GRS sub.But does a new GRS sub have the same cache and quality as a used Dynaudio sub?
I don't think "cache", (to store away in hiding or for future use) has much value, unless the product cached has cachet, and is in original condition.
"Cachet", the state of being respected, admired, or prestigious does not really apply to GRS (Great Replacement Speakers), since GRS was intended to be a fair-priced speaker replacement for speakers that may have some cachet.
At any rate, best of luck connecting with a buyer willing to pay more for cachet or nostalgia than an upgrade!
I just thought that since you can no longer buy Dynaudio drivers anymore (only exchange them) that might count for something.
The drivers might also be bought as exact replacements for damaged ones in an existing sub, and they could be dropped right in there knowing that their parameters will work, no questions asked, in that particular setting.You are not competing with other woofers for Xmax or anything else. These are very rare vintage drivers in good condition. People will buy them because of their nostalgia or replacement value, and are worth up to a couple hundred dollars apiece.
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