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Dynaco VTA M-125 pair for sale

I'm selling my amplifiers with all related tubes included. There are a bunch of different 12au7 tubes, eight KT-120 Tungsol
and four cv378 rectifiers, also two solid state rectifiers built in sockets (Cree Sic).
The buck transformer and DC-protection circuit visible in the picture are also included.

"EUPEN GNLM 05/2.5" power cords 2m x 2 as well. If some other lenght would be prefered (within reason) that's ok.

The setting for bias have been at 1v (50mA/tube) since day one and has never been adjusted.

Build thread and additional pics here:
My KT120 / M-125's

Asking price: 2000usd (cost of parts: ~3500usd)

Mail to: bengt@dahlbergaudiodesign.se

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Not sure but it will depend on rectifier selection and ac main voltage. Specifications in the manual says:

Power output (4 X KT88) 125 watts from 17 Hz to 32 KHz at less than 1% THD in ultralinear - 65 watts in triode
Power output (2 X KT88) 65 watts from 17 Hz to 34 KHz at less than 1% THD in ultralinear - 35 watts in triode
IMD .................................. < .38% (19 Khz and 20 Khz) at rated power
Frequency response ....... 10 Hz to 35 KHz +/- .1 dB at 1 watt
Power bandwidth ............ 17 Hz to 37 KHz +/- .3 dB at 125 watts
Sensitivity ....................... 1 volt in for 125 watts out
Feedback .........................10 dB
Damping factor ................14
Input impedance .............. 270,000 ohms
Hum and noise ................ > 95 dB below 125 watt output
The M-125 does not invert phase
Dimensions - 10.0" wide X 12.0" deep X 7.10" high
Weight (each) - 34 pounds > shipping weight 38 pounds

I opted for KT-120 output tubes instead, mainly to accive a longer lifespan for these tubes. KT-88 or KT-150 output tubes will work just as well the day that a replacement is needed. The ones in place now seems to be in perfect working order.

The amps have been running with different rectifiers, lately with good results the solid state Cree's. The buck transformers dropping 10v main voltage ac have been in use almost all the time so they have been at ~230v since they where added.

As you can see in the specifications they can be used with only two output tubes as well (half power output).
About shipping again. 200 euros seems to be to all over EU (outside of Sweden) and the exact same for Russia.

I will sell for 2000 euros inside the EU including shipping (EMS) but that will exclude the buck transformers since there is a 20kg weight limit for each package. There will be two packages.
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