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DX BLame ES, ST, MKII, MKII Supercharged Groub Buy Interest

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Hello folks,

This thread is open to see how many of you are interested in the PCBs to build Carlos Mergulhão's DX Blame amplifiers.

We have made new board layout, that will fit all 4 DX Blame models:

DX Blame ES
DX Blame ST
DX Blame MKII Supercharged

We can offer the amplifier PCB, the power supply PCB and a loudspeaker protection PCB.

If we can reach 100 boards of each model, prices will be as follow:

  • Amplifier PCB = US $18,00 each
  • Power Supply Unit PCB = US $12,00 each
  • Loudspeaker Protection PCB = US $11,00 each

All boards will be single sided, made of 1,6mm fiberglass, blue solder mask and white silk screening. CNC drilling.

What's really expensive here in Brazil is shipping cost. That's what we got:

Priority Registered Shipping (tracking available):
  • North and Central America = US $11,50
  • South America = US $10,00
  • Europe = US $12,00
  • Asia = US $16,00
  • Australia and Oceania = US $16,00

This shipping cost is the same for 250g package. This is enough for 1 pair of each board.

I wanna know how many of you will be interested, to see if it's viable to run this groupbuy.

Here are the PCB image for each board:

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Supercharged Version Max. Safe DC voltage

I have a 25 year old B&k ST140 Amp that's getting a little long in the tooth i would like to remove and replace it's internals with a more modern designed Amp.It has a very nice dual secondaries Torodial Transfomer rated at 45+45 625VA a/c which work's out to roughly 60vdc with no load is there any way that this transformer can be used with the Supercharged version?
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