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Anyone have experience with the new DVD-Rs available? I'm talking about the type for PC, IDE drives.

Can they record DVD movies on to a hard drive, then copied to blank media? Is the software capable of this? Most summaries on these drives talk about editing your own movies.

The prices have really dropped and they are coming closer to a standard. The blank media has dropped in price too.

Any idea?


>>Can they record DVD movies on to a hard drive, then copied to blank media? Is the software capable of this?

While this is certainly possible, it is not, obviously, kosher and you will need to familiarize yourself with the various tools in order to do so. A straight DVD-DVD copy should actually be fairly easy once you get past the copy protection, the problem generally being that the DVD is bigger than the DVD-R. This means you have to start chopping stuff up, and mistakes at $3/disc start to add up quickly. The software to do this is also very expensive.
You know about doom9's site right?

I'm sure most of you know about this already, butDoom9 is probably one of the best divx sites out there, and he has a few guides out on his site for dvd to dvd(- +?)r copying. I don't have a DVD copier yet, so I can't vouch for it, but the rest of guides are pretty much on the money. BTW, there is a forum there for DVD encoding & authoring.

But to answer your question, given a decent lenght, and if you rip some of the extras off it, it is pretty easy to copy the main movie onto a DVD-r
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