Dussun U3i phone stage

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Hello all --

Firstly, thank you for the incredible wealth of information you all take the time to create and contribute to. I know much of what I know about diy audio-- which is not that much -- from browsing here. Super!

So, a little question regarding the U3i. I own this unit and the time has arrived where I wish to take it apart and fiddle and replace things and make it better. I've not seen much -- not really anything, in fact -- about modding this unit. and i'm falling at the first hurdle in my own attempts: I can't work out how to get the casing off! I know, I know, 'Why on earth is he trying to mess with this thing when he can't even work out how to open it'...Seriously, though, it's something of sphinx. There are a few pics here:

epidauro.net >>> audio-video estremo - Leggi argomento - Pre phono Dussun/korsun u3i

But i'm afraid I still can't suss it out. It looks like the side panel should slide out?

Anyway, if anyone can help me with this i'll get a few pics up and consider how best to tweak it! Thank you for any and all help anyone might care to give.

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