Dual regulated PSU for voltage-output DAC chips?

I'd like to improve my DAC psu. I'm not talking about the analog stage, just the CS4398 chip on the board. I like it a lot.

Is it important to have dual regulated psu? Currently the DAC chip is served by two +V independent LM317 regulated rails.

Questions: There would be any benefit replacing them with two independent dual +V/-V regulated rails. If yes, could you suggest some pcb/kit?
Whether or not a different power supply will help your dac sound better is not clear. Part of it depends on how far away the power supply is from the dac, how and where it is grounded, if there are other bigger problems with the dac that will limit what better power can do, etc.

If you could tell us more about what you have now, it would help us to understand what might help the most. Even better if you can post pics of the setup that is often very helpful.
The DAC is the Topping D30. It sounds fantastic for the money, I prefer it over a number of DACs. I had experience with a number of DACs but I am sure this one has a lot of potential. The circuit is discussed here


I'd like to

1. improve PSU with regulated linear PSU.

2. replace the cheap output stage with transformers and/or a god buffer stage. I had mixed experiences with transformers before, but who knows?!

Since I'm not interested in the analog output, I want to mod only the psu for the digital circuit
There are some chips on the digital side that look like they could be voltage regulators. It may be that D30 uses primary and secondary regulators. Especially so since LM317 isn't really good enough by itself for good power supply ripple measurements.

Therefore, I think you should measure the output voltage of the LM317 regulators. Most of the digital circuitry should use 3.3v or some parts may need even lower voltages. If more than 3.3v coming out of the LM317 parts then probably replacing them won't have much beneficial effect.

You might want to read the part numbers or IC markings of the other possible regulators to see what is actually doing the final regulation. Also, such regulators need to be physically close to where the power is needed.