doofus rotary switch selection question

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I want to build a BrianGT kit as an integrated stereo amp with asimple potentiometer volume control and input selector..I'm looking for recommendations about the rotary switch...(2) pole-6 position with common ground on the RCAs and switch only the hot leads, (3) pole with common tied between pairs, or a (4) pole switch with "x" number of inputs...I realize this is a painfully ig'nint question but I want to avoid snaps when switching, inducing hum, and so forth. I don't mind paying for a good switch, either. I would like to have (6) inputs if possible.

One more "noob"-ulous question...Stepped attenuator versus simle log taper ALPS...that much difference?:xeye:
CJ900RR said:

Off Topic: It can't be easy selling a house in the states these days 🙂

On Topic: Switch both the signal and the ground for best performance. Do not use a common ground-point.

Thanks to all for the responses...answers beget more questions...

why is switching the ground along with the positive terminal on a selector switch more preferable to using a bussed (i.e. common) ground? It's not doubt as much as pure unadorned ignorance on my the famous Cuban band leader Ricky Ricardo once said..."'Splain it to me, Lucy"...
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