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DIY ultrasonic vinyl cleaner


After a previous modification, this very stable ultrasonic rotary vinyl record cleaning machine is now completed.
I used a geared motor as its rotational power.
Ultrasonic cleaning can deep clean the record very clean, but it will not damage the vinyl record.
The machine can be set to a timer and can clean a set of records in about 20 minutes.
The tap water here is pure enough. Of course, if you pursue the ideal state, just buy purified water from the supermarket. Generally, I don’t think it is necessary.
I don't add any detergent because I don't want any solute residue. Ultrasonic cleaning effect is very good, even the oil stains touched by fingers can be cleaned very clean.
When you lower your tonearm so the stylus touches the spinning record, sound can be found to emit from your loudspeakers. However, one must ensure one's amplifier is active by moving its mains power switch to the 'on' position. You may be able to check whether the amplifier is active by checking that the power indicator lamp (provided for one's convenience by some manufacturers) is illuminated.
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